Select a thrill. Place an order

Browse the many different categories of thrilling experiences to find the perfect gift. Or treat yourself to an experience. Add your gift to your basket and choose how you would like it sent. Send it in a personalised gift box, an envelope or direct to your inbox. With your order now complete, we notify you as soon as your gift ships.


Use your voucher

Go online and place a booking by selecting the Use Voucher option at the top. It only takes a few minutes. We handle your booking and issue you with a booking confirmation containing all the essential details including directions, and your confirmed date and time.

Prepare for the big day

Use the information in the booking confirmation to check the location and to ensure you arrive on time. You can call ahead if the weather is poor. Should you need to cancel or reschedule, we recommend you contact the tour operator as soon as possible.

Experience the thrill

We hope you find inspiration and enjoyment from your experience. We want you to have a great, unforgettable, thrilling, inspirational and memorable time. When you get back, we'd love to hear from you. Leave us feedback to tell us how great the day was.