What is an Instant Booking?

With an instant booking you can discover experiences and instantly book a date to take the experience.

No waiting around - it's instantly confirmed. It provides a fully arranged experience with a few clicks of the mouse, making life really easy for you.

How do I make an Instant Booking?

Instant bookings are available wherever you see the Instant Booking button displayed alongside an experience. Click it and select a date and time, then add it to your shopping cart. Finalise your payment and your booking is confirmed immediately. No waiting around.

We're continually adding to the list of operators that accept instant bookings. If you can't find the button, it just means the operator isn't subscribed to this service. You can still book however. Contact us and we'll check it's availability out for you.

How do I know the date is available?

The dates and times that are displayed within an Instant Booking are direct from the operator that conducts the experience. They are right bang up to date, so you can book with certainty and confidence when securing a place on your fav thrill.

Can I send an Instant Booking as a Gift?

Absolutely. You get all the gift options you are used to including the signature gift box, personal message and a card with their name on.

If you want it right now, really fast, there's the instant email option. Print it out and you are ready to go.

Can I book a spot today and go today?

Last minute thrills are always the best. Sure you can. If the date and time shows up in the Instant Book calendar, lock it in, book and go.

Who do I contact if I have a problem with my Instant Booking?

If you have a problem that you think the operator can help with such as booking dates, what to wear, please contact the operator. Of course, we are always happy to help you with any issue.

You'll find contact details for the operator on the booking confirmation. You can also reference our refund policy.