Abseiling Super Jump for Two

Abseiling Super Jump for Two

Katoomba -  $570 530


Katoomba $530
  • 60 metre superjump
  • Expert instructors
  • Challenging fun outdoors


Katoomba $550
  • Climb novice-friendly cliffs
  • Learn the methods
  • Explore techniques
Team Survivor Challenge

Team Survivor Challenge

Sunshine Coast -  990


Sunshine Coast $990
  • Personal training
  • Learn survival skills
  • Team work
Bush Survival Course

Bush Survival Course

Katoomba -  799


Katoomba $799
  • 2-days
  • Purify water
  • Find bush tucker

Remembering the words of Sir Edmund Hillary himself, we climb the mountains and rocks and walls and anything else possible because they are there. Whether it's climbing a sheer cliff in the heart of the Blue Mountains, or descending down a vertical wall in the middle of the city of Melbourne, the adrenalin pumps just as intense, with the sense of adventure too overwhelming to ignore.

There's something truly appealing about standing before a mountain, just you and the rope and the will to climb to the top. Regardless of which direction you intend to travel, both rock climbing and abseiling have the raw attraction of an ageless need to challenge Mother Nature herself. And with experiences available across our rugged country, there's guaranteed to be something near you, to start you on your way to all-conquering glory.

From canyoning through Cradle Mountain in Tasmania, to abseiling glory in Perth, or rock climbing through the beautiful Blue Mountains, there's one thing guaranteed: expect to become addicted to the thrill of the climb, the challenge of the descent and the ambition to do it all again. This is the perfect outdoor adventure to get you back to nature. Run facedown a vertical cliff at Little River, or climb through a refreshing waterfall at Wentworth Falls. This is the definitive outdoor sport. With classes available for beginners and experienced alike, there's no excuse for you not to put on your climbing shoes and get ready to climb your way to glory.

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